Friday, September 19, 2014


My name is Hasnah Syazwani, here, i would like to story bout my hobby, which is rarely people like these kind of hobby but for me its really peaceful and enjoyable hobby. here my story.

Music is the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (sometimes both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. As a teenager, I listen to music everyday. I can name almost name every song that comes on the radio. Listening to music takes the stress away from my mind. I love listening to music. Listening to music is my new hobby. I cannot go a day without listening to music.

Music comes in different genres. I listen to many genres. The genre I listen to the most is R&B. I listen to R&B because it relates to my life. R&B is one of the tops ten genres listened to. Music to me is like a reading teacher reading a book. Music is just that good. The R&B singers I listen to are Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, Monica, K Michelle, and Usher. I listening to more than that but I do not want to waste my time writing all of the names.

I wake up listening to music. Music is my passion. While I am writing this, I am listening to music. I cannot help myself. Some people are addicted to drugs and alcohol but my addiction is music. Music has many different meaning to it. In order for me to understand a song, I have to listen to the song over and over again.

If someone gave me a pop quiz on music, I would most likely pass the pop quiz. I am not the type that does not have a life. I have a life, but in the meantime I listen to music when I am bored. I might listen to a great amount of music but I do not know how to do have of the dances that go along with them. Again, music is my passion and addiction. One more thought, I cannot sing. I just love listening to music.


I would like to story bout my hostel which is locating at Gunung Rapat or some people called Rapat Setia. Life as student was so difficult,but very valueable and enjoyable.

The college hostel is s state where people live in perfect harmony .students coming from
different parts of the country or a province forget all their differences and begin to live like
members of a vast family.All distinctions of birth are forgotten.The poorest boy feels
equal to the richest boy.Friendships which would last a life time are made here.All boys are
knit by bonds of love.Even if there are differences among boys,they are expressed in a very
healthy manner.

Hostel is an essential part of a college or university .It is usually located within the
campus of the educational institutions .It provides facilities of lodging and
messing to those students whose parents live in distant towns and
villages.Hostel life is ,no doubt,the most pleasurable period of a student' life.It has its deep
impressions and memories which cannot be forgotten during the rest of life.Hostel,life also
has its own educative value .It plays an important role in the development of character and
personality of the student.

Hostel life provides many facilities to a student which cannot be available to him at the
house of his parents.Since the hostel is situated within the college campus,his time on
coming and going to college daily is saved.In every hostel,there is a Reading Room,
containing many daily,newspapers and magazines of different kinds.He can increase his
general knowledge by means of this rich informative reading material.He can cultivate a habit
of reading and gets an opportunity to increase his awareness of life which can be very useful
in his after-life .similarly ,every hostel has a big Common Room,where students assemble
daily in the evening and take part in various indoor games like Table Tennis,Chess,
Cards game ,Carrom board Luddo,etc .Now a days the addition of T.V sets has multiplied the
charm of hostel common rooms.There are annual contests and competitions among the
hostel students in various games,making of speeches,debates,recitation of Holy Quran
and singing songs.Prizes are given to those who excell others in different fields and activities.

Hostel life gives practical training tho a student in his mental,moral and spiritual
development.He has to observe the rules made by the students themselves and the decisions
taken unanimously .All the students take meals together at the fixed times.They
have fixed hours for studying ,playing ,going to sleep and getting up in the morning.Nobody
can leave hostel without the permission of the superintendent;nor is he allowed to stay out
late at night.Therefore hostel life gives practical lessons in punctuality,regularity and
discipline.These qualities and good habits prove very useful in his practical life in the future.
Hostel life also inculcates self-confidence in a student and produces in him the qualities of
leadership and self-help.He has to lead life without the aid of his parents as well as
servants.Every hostel students has to make his own bed,polish his own shoes,press his own
clothes and manage his own daily affairs.The students are allowed to elect every month a
mess Manager out of themselves to decide what to eat and how much to spend.

The most important advantage of hostel life is the opportunity of free communion and
intimate relationship between young men of the same age.They belong to different
families ,having different habits,manners and views of life.This provides a good chance for
a hostel student to learn from others and to pick their good habits and manners.It also enables
him to have a good understanding of different human nature and human minds.The student
learns to understand his room-mates and to behave with them in a befitting manner.
This practical training in human understanding proves very helpful to him when be becomes
an officer or a business man.

There is the other side of the picture also.Hostel life also has certain demerits and is so expensive that most of the parents cannot afford it and refuse to give
higher education to their sons and daughters.A hostel student cannot enjoy the freedom and
privacy which he can have at the house of his parents.It is true that he is free to spend his
time and money in any way he likes.Yet he feels disturbed by the presence of different
minded students in his room.He cannot study or sleep peacefully according to his free will.
Since the students are living away from the control of parents,they may adopt bad society and
waste their time and money in visiting hotels,cinema house,etc.In spite of these
disadvantages ,the educative value of hostel life is undeniable.Most of the rich parents like to
send their children to residential institutions.The qualities developed during hostel life and
the friendship made here prove life-long and very valuable.


A day before the examination is, a fateful day for the students. Many of them do not put in the right type of labour, and just try their luck in the examination hall.

The present system of examination is responsible for this sorry state of affairs. Examinations encourage cramming. How much can an examinee cram and reproduce is the test of the ability of a student. How vividly I remember the three hours I spent in the examination hall yesterday. It was English Paper. Since English is a foreign language and the scope of grammar is vast, all of us were a bit nervous.

As the examination centre was in another school and faces of teachers acting as invigilators were new, we were a bit confused. I prayed to God for an easy paper. They say that 'well begun is half done'. So I got ready to sit for three hours in the examination hall and do my best. I occupied a seat. Answer books were distributed to each of the examinees. We were instructed to fill up entries. So we did. Papers were then given to us. We read the same and thanked God. Except for the essays and letters, Grammar questions set in the paper was easy. Precis was not too hard and was not beyond our grasp. One usually forgets in the hall what he knows. The same was the case with me. I devoted the first half an hour to going through the question paper.

This helped me recollect answers. Half an hour each was devoted to essay writing, grammar, precis writing and letter writing. Last half hour was reserved for revision. Since it was a lengthy paper to answer, my fingers began to ache by writing and I got tired. There was nervousness amongst examinees. Strict control of invigilators proved a boon1 to honest and hard working students while it was a curse to those who failed to use unfair means. Thus the three hours in the examination hall were an ordeal to me. I heaved a sigh of relief when I came out of the hall after the paper was over. I was happy that I had done well.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

National Day

When Is National Day 2014 in Malaysia? National Day falls on August 31th, 2014.National Day is celebrated every year in Malaysia on the 31st of August to commemorate the momentous occasion when the Federation of Malaya achieved independence from British rule in 1957. On the 30th of August, Malaysia’s then Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman took to the Royal Selangor Club Padang, now known as the Merdeka square at 11.58pm and observed two minutes of darkness. At the stroke of midnight, the Union Jack was lowered and raised with the Flag of Malaya. The morning after, Tunku Abdul Rahman read aloud the Proclaimation of Independence, followed by seven chants of Merdeka, with the crown at the square joining following each chant. The moment is considered to be one of Malaysia’s most memorable and significant points in history.

A lot of people enjoy celebrating the National Day. We enjoy singing the National Songs, decorating our classroom, watching the countdown concert, counting down the time to midnight and watching the parade on National Day.Government buildings and corporations would start decorating the buildings with the colours of the national flag in the weeks before National Day. Decorations with themes of red, blue, yellow and white along with the national and state flags would hang off almost every window and building in the city. Malaysia’s national flag is proudly known as the “Jalur Gemilang” and the flag is usually the central theme and pride of the nation and her people. Old and torn flags are frowned upon and will usually be replaced by newer and brightly coloured flags. Vehicles are not to be missed out, and during the month leading to the celebrations, it will not be unusual to see vehicles decked out as colourful as buildings in the colours of the Jalur Gemilang.

On the eve of National Day, fireworks will light up the sky at the stroke of midnight, usually set off in Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur. In recent years, the fireworks have been moved to Putrajaya where they are equally, and if not more beautiful, dazzling the crowd who would stop their cars on the highway and people who would gather at the parks in Putrajaya to witness this few minutes of splendor. It is truly a sight to behold. In 2008, the fireworks were moved to Titiwangsa lake in Kuala Lumpur, where a giant ferris wheel named the Eye of Malaysia had been set up a year before. The fireworks and the lights from the city and the ferris wheel added a touch of scenic splendor to the entire patriotic affair.
National day Fireworks Kuala Lumpur

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My best friend is someone I have known since my childhood. Our friendship goes back to the time when I was ten years old. His name is Affeeq, and he lived a couple of blocks from my house. We had a lot in common, and we spent time together during the weekends. 

               I remembered many of my favorite hobbies were because of his influence. I learned to play the guitar from him, and I started martial arts classes because he did the same. That was back in the year 2000. Now you know how old I am. That is right, the years have gone by, and even today as I sit here typing on my computer, I still have my guitar sitting right beside me. It was a hobby that changed my life and I thank him because he was the one who taught me how to play the guitar. I remember the days when we used to have our own bicycles. That was my first bicycle, and I wanted to have one that look just like Affeeq's. Strange, but somehow, he seemed to be a big influence on me in my early years. Maybe because I saw him as a role model.

My best friend, Affeeq, is no longer in contact with me. We have lost contact since we went on to continued studys. He was in KUIM Kolej University Islam Malaysia, and I went on to Kolej Poly Tech Mara for my kolej. Do I miss him now, at the age of 18? Yes, I do. I had wanted to get in touch with him, and possibly some of my old classmates from Primary school, but they are no where to be found. I heard many years ago that Affeq went on to be a sailor after graduation from seaman's course. It will be nice to know how everyone is doing.

Best friends are like old wine, and the older they are the better. I just wish that someday, somehow, I will be able to reestablish contact with Affeeq. So, Affeq, if you are reading this, please get in touch with me. I am Firdaus, I remember you used to call me Wak.

This much I remember about you... Old address at 20 jalan Merpati Taman Saujna. Your birthday is on October 30, 1996. Our primary school was Kluang High School.

  On first of hari raya day is public holiday that day collage was off. So I woke up at 8.00 in the morning. Then I took bath and took my breakfast that made by my mother. After that I helped my mother to do the house work such as sweeping, cleaning the rack and shelf. .At 10.00 in the morning my mother started to cook for the lunch. I and my sister helped my mother to cut the vegetables. On that day my mother cooks chicken curry. I had learned how to cook the chicken curry on that day. At 12.30 in the afternoon my mother already prepared the lunch. At 1.00 in the afternoon I and my family had the lunch. After that I helped my mother towash the plate and clean the kitchen.In the evening I went to Tesco Shopping Centre for purchase the things of raya for my family. At Tesco I had my tea around 4.00 o’clock in the evening.Then I went back home and arranged the things that I purchase at the cabinet. After that I went for a jog at the nearest park. After an hour I went back home and took my bath and prayed.After that I went to my friend’s house. My friend name is Lan. At there I helped my friend to prepare food for open house such as ketupat, ayam rendang and lemang. Then I ate the food then I went to my neighbor house. Then I went back home, at 8.00 o’clock my relative from Penang was came to my house. After they had the dinner at here we all planned to go to JPO. I and family with relatives leave the house at9.00 o’clock and reached there in half an hour. I took  picture for the memories and put it in my photo collection.At 11.00 o’clock we leaved JPO and reached home in forty five minutes. Then my relatives went back to other aunt’s house. In short while I and my sister clean the house and took my supper at 12.00 in the midnight.After that I slept at 1.30 in the midnight. This all I was did on the first hari raya day.


My Hari Raya Story

    Hari Raya Puasa will be celebrated by the muslims after one month of fasting. Me and family as a muslims, Hari Raya Puasa is a special fasting on the month from foods and drinks from Subuh until Maghrib . This festival will be celebrate for month either.  

    In Malaysia, we can see the muslims early prepared for the becoming special day. They decorate their house, buying new clothes and making many types of food and cookies for the special day.

    The night before the special day arrived, my family and I as usual   a lot of activities happen same as the other festival. I can see my parents and my grandmother will busy making delicious food, while my little brother were enjoying themselves playing fire-crackers with other family members.

      The house   which is located far from the town especially, will be decorated with ‘Pelita’ arrowed the house.’Pelita’ is made up from bamboo stick actually, but now people had invented a new kind of ‘Pelita’ which is made from plastic that is safe to used.

    The main menu for muslims on Hari Raya are ketupats,lemang ,rendang and many types of biscuit. These food can be seen other peoples and relatives houses. Usually, there must be held by the muslims. Different kind of races will be visiting their muslims neighbours house to celebrate together the special day.

    Lastly, I hope that Malaysian people can maintain that style. Every festival have their own specially. I also hope that from the coming years, Hari Raya Puasa will be celebrated more happening as I’ve done my job as a student. Amin.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My best friend

People say best friends are hard to find that's because the best is already mine!. I am lucky enough to have Hazwani, Nur Athirah, Hasnah Syzawani, Nur Affiah , Nur Diyana, Nur Syahzlin , Nur Dalila and Haliza as my best friend. we are students of the same school. we read in the same class

Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. A person who has true friends in life is lucky enough Friendship makes life thrilling. It makes life sweet and pleasant experience. Friendship is indeed, an asset in life. It can lead us to success or to doom. It all depends on how we choose our friends.

I am so lucky to have them and I couldn’t live without them.It’s hard to find a friend like that. Without them I would not be as happy as I am now. Through good and bad times, I’m positive that forever we will still remain friends. they are friend that I could and will never forget.

We also help each other with schoolwork, and family and friends problems. It’s hard to find a friend like that. We have so many inside jokes that nobody would understand unless they were there, or if they were just us! Not everyone gets our stupid jokes, and they might think that there immature and childish, but together we make them funny and get a good laugh out of it!

Friday, August 8, 2014


One of the day that I can't wait to celebrate is Hari Raya, not even me but also all the muslim Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the celebration all Muslims look forward to each year after a whole month of fasting. so, today i am so glad to share my story about my Hari Raya Aidilfitri experience.Every year I can't wait to celebrate Hari Raya because I can meet my family,relatives and friends

. Hari raya is the day that people meet up and gather to see each other after a long time haven't met. Hari raya also the day that we can seek for forgiveness from our family and friends. I'm not saying that only for hari raya we only can seek for forgiveness others day also we can but at hari raya we meet our relatives and seek forgiveness infront of them not through the phone or email.

First thing that my family do for the preparation is buy some new outfit for celebrating hari raya, I think everyone will do the same thing as me isn it? Nowadays, most all family ave their own theme outfit colour different as mine, my mother don't care what colour our outfit is. After buy new cloth, my mom will washed our prevoius curtain and hang it back to it place, my mom change our curtain every year or every two years. We started to clean up our house so that it will not so chaos.

The last day of ramadhan, we will be very busy because my mom busy cooking for hari raya dish, rendang. My dad busy clean up my house and I and my sister will help my dad while my brothers will help my mom cooking rendang, one will sliced the onion, one will stir the rendang and all the things at the kitchen my brothers will control. At that day my house will be glorious.

First day of Hari Raya, my mother wake up early in the morning and prepared various breakfast for all of us. Then, my father and my brother get ready to the mosque for Hari Raya prayer. After prayer my father brought us to visit my late grandfather’s grave .

After that, we go back to my Mother’s hometown to visit my grandmother . We are really enjoyed ourselves at the first Hari Raya. I visit my relatives and they had given me ‘duit raya’. I am really happy to receive that ‘duit raya’ although I am no longer a child.

Friday, August 1, 2014

My Hari Raya Story

Every year, my family and I always celebrated Hari Raya Aidilfitri in the village which is situated in Perak. We always arrive a day early before the arrival of the first day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I will be thrilled every time I wait for the arrival of that day because of this occasion our family will gather with other family members to celebrate this festival together.

On the first day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, I woke up early awakened by my mother. After I finished a bath and performed the dawn prayers, I was getting ready to wear my new baju kurung that I recently bought. After a while, my parents went to the mosque for Hari Raya prayers.

At the same time, I watch over the house and the kids with other members of the family. After fasting for 30 days in Ramadhan, it is time for me to enjoy all kind of food. My parents and the maid cook all kind of food the day before Hari Raya Aidilfitri. There are ketupat, rendang, cakes, biscuits and many more that I like to eat. I was eating while waiting for their return.

At about noon, my family members from all over the places are gathered at my grandparent’s house celebrating Hari Raya together. I am very happy at that time to meet all of my cousins, play and chat with them. We ate together, talk together and laugh together. It’s was so much fun. For time to time, there are some children coming hari raya at our house. As the lady in this house, I treat them to eat.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is interesting event because all of the mistake and hatred are been forgives and forget. Each of my family members would apologize to each other either older or younger includes my family. One thing that I like the most is my grandmother, my parents and relative would give me the Hari Raya money.

When night comes, we are letting off firecrackers and fireworks. The atmosphere filled with the sound of exploding fireworks. We all slept late that night, chatting with each other. In conclusion, I like to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri with my family and the other family members. The first day of this festival for every year is a sweet memory for me.

my hometown 4

My lovely hometown is at Kampar .A town,which is located at west of Ipoh. I love to live here because the environment is so comfortable and make me always splendid in here. Also love friendly people, too. I love everything belongs my hometown where i was born and grew in 18 years

Infront of my house there are,big playground . It’s combination playground structure for small children include slides, climbers (stairs in this case), playhouse. I love to views from the windown of my house,which is the ground which is full with childrens' laughs,love the peace of the simple life here .There are the mosque,infront og the playground. So, as a Muslim,I am glad and proud to be here.

Since Kampar opens the eye to the world, kampar has attracted a lot of foreign tourists because of its unique climate, landscape and the life style of people here. Tourists who have come here are all fascinated by everything except for the accommodations.Almost of the tourists love to come here with the cultural,especially,my hometown nearest with Gua Tempurung and Cameron Highlands.As we know, Cameron Highlands,is popular place for any  there are many strawaberry ,located entrance to Cameron Highlands,which is a tourist attraction. .

 It also nearest Bukit Merah Expressway . It is landmark which is expressway or motorway in Malaysia connecting the capital city of Kuala Lumpur to the town of Karak in began ,from The Kilometre Zero of the expressways begins at Kampar North Interchange .Other than nearest with karak highway,it is also nearest Duke Highway .Duke, an acronym for The Duta-Ulu Kelang Expressway, forms the vital missing link in the Kuala Lumpur Road Master Plan,it’s  joining Duta in the west to Ampang in the east, and to Karak in the north. You can save the time when you use this highway.

Last but not list,I love to live here. And that’s the reason every week I going back from Ipoh. I would like to Clementine Paddleford quotes in American Journalist,
“We all have hometown appetites. Every other person is a bundle of longing for the simplicities of good taste once enjoyed on the farm or in the hometown left behind.”

Friday, July 25, 2014

My Hometown 3

My love for my hometown, Tangkak, located in the sourthen part of Johor, is beyond description. Peaple living in cities envy the fresh air, good interpersonal relationship and peace of countrysides. People living in countrysides envy the good living conditions and the busy of cities. But I don't envy both of them, as my hometown is not highly-developed one nor under-developed one but a medium one. We enjoys most of the benefits of living in the cities and countrysides.
People in my town are friendly and helpful.Walking along the streets, we greet to each others. My hometown is almost crime free. One night when I was just ten years old, I went out of my room for toilet. I saw a thief unexpectably, by nature I screamed out at the top of my voice. The thief ran away. On arrival the streets, he was run after by my neighbours who were drinking and chatting. The thief was beaten to be serious injured. Everyone is cooperative, so the security here is second to none.
The whole park is energetic when the morning has broken. Many people are exercising there. They dances, jogs, does qigong or taiji and so on. Execising there I hear the birds singing happily, feel the fresh air flowing into my body and mine, and sense the pressures of life being swept away as my mind has been puried purified. Everyone go home for work when the sunllight leaks out from the trees.
All the main festivals are highly celebrated by us. At the night of mooncake festivel, the sight of a dozen of lights come into my eyes. The ravelry sound and the exciting music shatter the silence of the night. There are latern making competition, chaidengmi competition and people singing or dancing there. The whole basketball court turns into a sea of joy. When the clock struck twelve, the firework is let off into the sky. It light upthe whole village. Everyone's eyes are fixed on the picturesque firework.
I am going to leave for highly-developed country for further studies and better jobs after graduation, as it will broaden my horizon. However, I take pride in being one of the presidents here, I will come back in my retiring days.

My Hometown 2

My hometown is in Penang. There are many intersting places in Penang. For example, Georgetown, Gurney Drive, Clock Tower and Kek Lok Si Temples...... The city of Georgetown is the Penang's capital city and the place to go to in search of historical sights and shopping adventures. Many cultural temples line the streets while certain areas are famous for their sale of antiques, artefacts, electronic goods, souvenirs and other commodities.

The Gurney Drive is a fantastic place to catch a view of the sunset - and eat at hawkers stalls. Most of Penang's glorious food can ordered from the hawker stalls in the area, from Assam Laksa to Popiah and Char Koey Teow to Hokkian Mee.

The Clock Tower is a colonial reminder of the British Empire in Penang. The Kek Lok Si is a finely - crafted Buddhist temple, located on a hill in Ayer Hitam.

I love my hometown very much because of its delicious food and nice places. When my dad come back, My mum will bring him to eat Char Koey Teow.

Friday, July 18, 2014

My Hometown

Today , I am going to tell you about my hometown ,Kampar. Kampar is a town in the state of Perak. I am proud of my hometown because the town is peaceful and beautiful .There has lot of beautiful Views. The town was full with monument , parks and fountains . You also can see many historical building along the Kampar town road.

Beside,people in my town is very friendly and helpful . If you walking or riding bike around the town at night you can see the town is lighting with beautiful and colourful light. If you want something extreme , you can go explore the caves, or enjoy climbing , rope bridge walking , pinicking and doing wide range of activities at Gua Tempurung.

Another extreme activity you can do it at my hometown is White water rafting at Kampar river. Kampar river is one the most interesting rafting river in Malaysia . You also can enjoy playing laser tag at Lazer Extreme Kampar , roller skating at Super Roller Kampar, and paintball games

If you in Kampar you must earn the opportunity to try more nice food in Kampar such as the famous curry chicken bread. As you Known Kampar for its high tin ore reserves. Its vast surroundings as well as abandoned mining-ponds are suitable for fishing, which has become a major attraction for anglers around the country. you also can visit Kin Tin Meseum which full with tin historical.

In Kampar also there is an uncount number of waterfalls yet to be discover, but there also numerous waterfalls area open up for public such as Batu Berangkai Falls, Geruntum Falls, Lata Kinjang Falls, Salu Falls and more..

                                                                                             -Nurul Farahanim Binti Hasman-  

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